How To Arrange A Bedroom

Unsure about the bedroom decoration? The following guidelines will point out the most important things you need to pay attention.

On this occasion, our attention is focused on the parents' bedrooms.

Upholstered headboard

The bed dominates in the bedroom. Therefore, an interesting upholstered headboard is sufficient to make your room interesting and unusual.

For a little bolder, opt for bright purple or turquoise colour on a bed.

Solution for small bedrooms

If your bedroom is small sizes, the beds should be as simple as possible, the dimensions of the mattress - no peripheral sides or large head. Use the space above the bed for storage. You can install the lighting in these shelves.

Place the practical slider drawers in the space under the bed. These trays are very practical for storing bedding.

For small rooms the recommended are the light colours: white or cream.

Pictures above the bed

When decorating bedroom, do not overfill it with the decorative elements. It is enough to post some pictures in wooden frames above the bed.

It is not a rule but generally there are three paintings above the bed.

Frame colours and motifs on paintings are supposed to fit the colour of the rest of the room. If the blue colour is predominant in paintings, just set the blue pillows on the bed and the whole is complete.

Wall coverings on the wall behind the bed

If you want to emphasize one of the walls by colour or the wall covering, opt for the one behind the bed. Flower wall coverings or soft pastel tones are the most common wall coverings in bedrooms.

You will achieve the best impression if you repeat the colour of wall covering on the bedspread and curtains.

The lighting for the bedroom

In addition to the main central light in the bedroom, the auxiliary lighting is also desirable. Wall lamps or small chandeliers with bedding are ideal solutions. Opt for lampshades of the same colour as of bed or bedding.
